Thursday, 21 November 2013
The Bender from Futurama Toilet Roll Holder.
My sister isn't the easiest person to knit for, she likes things a bit different. Last year for Christmas I knitted her a beard and for her birthday some antlers so I had to think of something good for this Christmas. I found this pattern here and thought it was perfect!! He is a bit wonky but I really love the finished product. It was easy to make too. I hope she likes it!
I am currently knitting a Spiderman jumper, on the final sleeve now so nearly done. I am then starting on my second Postman Pat jumper. Every spare second between now and Christmas will be spent knitting, I will get all my presents done (it may kill me, but I will!)
Saturday, 19 October 2013
The Dinosaur Mittens.
I am currently in the process of making a Jean Greenhowe pair of Carol Singers as a present for my mum for Christmas. My jumper wool finally arrived so after these I am casting on a Spiderman jumper! Very excited for that one!
Sunday, 6 October 2013
The Knitted Nativity Angel and Star

For the star I used this pattern as a base but didn't do the circular knitting. I did 2 long points and 4 short points on each side and sewed them together and stuffed.
I really hope my Nativity friend is as happy with them as I am. I have made a start on some dinosaur mittens for my nephew's birthday. The jumper knitting has been halted as the Royal Mail have still lost my parcel with all my jumper wool. Let's hope it makes it's way to me next week!!
Sunday, 29 September 2013
The Care Bear Jumper

Last night I finished my latest jumper, a Care Bears jumper- Funshine bear. I had already knitted the little girl the actual bear so for Christmas I thought I would make her the matching jumper. It has taken me just under 2 weeks to make up which isn't too shoddy considering I am at work full time and only have one full evening free a week at the moment.

My next project was going to be a Spider Man jumper, I was very excited to get that one started as the little boy chose the pattern himself but the jumper wool I ordered from Ebay has got lost by the Royal Mail sorting office. I am waiting for a phone call next week to see if they have found it. This means I am back on the sock knitting, a Christmas present for a friend. I better get clicking away, Christmas is less than 3 months away!
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
The knitted antlers and moose cloth.

For the wash cloth (or whatever you want to call it) I used this pattern. It only took an evening to make, and I think it looks quite cool, don't think the picture really does it justice. I thought she would want something practical (to wear to the pub or something) so I made some antlers. I made them from a kiddies toy pattern and added a headband. She has messaged me this morning to say the only time she has taken them off is for the school run as her son wouldn't let her keep them on!
I am now half way through a Postman Pat jumper so will hopefully be updating that on the weekend.
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
The Knitted Nativity Donkey
The next instalment in the Nativity I am knitting for my friend was the donkey. I gave it as a present for her wedding last weekend (not the only present- I did do all the wedding flowers for her too!) The pattern is from Jean Greenhowe's Christmas Treasures. I didn't have any grey wool, but Google informed me that donkey's can be brown too- and I don't think they specified what colour the donkey was in the bible. He does stand up due to straws in his legs so he won't be a wonky donkey.
I am busy knitting lots of socks at the moment , and after that I have a Mohawk to do for my sister's birthday next week (to go with her beard. I am then getting back on the jumper knitting for Christmas- only have about 7 more to do, it's lucky they're my favourite things to make at the moment.
I am busy knitting lots of socks at the moment , and after that I have a Mohawk to do for my sister's birthday next week (to go with her beard. I am then getting back on the jumper knitting for Christmas- only have about 7 more to do, it's lucky they're my favourite things to make at the moment.
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
The SuperTed Jumper

I am pleased to say that I finished my second Christmas present yesterday! A SuperTed jumper. It was the second jumper I have knitted and I am very pleased with it! The pattern for the back of the jumper was a little confusing so I had to improvise a bit, but luckily it seems to have turned out fine so I am excited to be giving it away.
I have 3 birthdays in July to knit for (would have been four but I have done one present already). I have 2 pairs of socks and a mohawk to knit so will be clicking away!
Saturday, 1 June 2013
The Knitted Care Bear

I am now working on my Super Ted jumper, I have done the front and hoping to have the back finished by tomorrow night. I have a busy week next week, two evenings out at the Cheltenham (spell check wanted me to change it to Charlatanism- I like that) Science Festival, 2 running club sessions, diving (not driving- I can do that) lesson and naming ceremony, so away for weekend! Sure I'll squeeze some knitting time in though. I have 4 birthdays in July to knit for, as well as many Christmas present jumpers so the pressure is on.
Monday, 13 May 2013
The Rabbit Mittens
I had been looking for a quick and easy knitting patten book for presents for the small people I know when I don't have much time (there isn't time to knit everyone a jumper). I found this patten book for novelty mittens. It's really good, has 6 separate pattens and has sizes for 1-8 year olds. I had already done the dinosaur ones, but forgot to take a picture as I usually tweet them but the parents are on Twitter and I didn't want them to see.

These mittens are for a little girl who turns 1 next month. She also has her naming ceremony that month so I am going to knit her a Care Bear.
I am taking advantage of having lots of little kids around- I know there will be an age where they will want 'real' presents and not my knitted creations.
My next project is a pair of socks for a friend's birthday, I may also cast on my next jumper project too. A SuperTed jumper for a Christmas present. How cool will that be?
These mittens are for a little girl who turns 1 next month. She also has her naming ceremony that month so I am going to knit her a Care Bear.
I am taking advantage of having lots of little kids around- I know there will be an age where they will want 'real' presents and not my knitted creations.
My next project is a pair of socks for a friend's birthday, I may also cast on my next jumper project too. A SuperTed jumper for a Christmas present. How cool will that be?
Sunday, 14 April 2013
The first pair of socks.
Yesterday I finally finished knitting my first pair of socks. They are for a friend's birthday (it's not until May, how organised am I?) and I used a pattern from a book that she got me a couple of years ago. It is a really easy pattern, they're 'tube socks' so no heal to turn. They are knitted in rib (k2 p1) so nice and stretchy. I can't remember where I got the wool from, but I had some sock wool in my wool box, no idea what I had planned for it (socks??) but I have it years so it's nice to get it used. I do have a small amount of left over wool so it may become socks or gloves for a small person. I do know lots of small people.
I am already half way through my next project, some very cute rabbit mittens for a small person's first birthday in June.
Sunday, 31 March 2013
The Snooker Jumper
I did it! I finally finished knitting my first jumper. It is for a small person and has already gone in my Christmas present bag.. I had to do 2 attempts of the front of the jumper after forgetting to change needle size the first time but the second time went much better.
It was much easier to make then anticipated and I was worried about making up because the instructions seemed confusing but it was easy once I broke it down (and asked Google for help!)
I have started a Mohair lace scarf for my mum's birthday. It's already looking good (although a little hairy for my liking). Will put a picture up when it's done.
It was much easier to make then anticipated and I was worried about making up because the instructions seemed confusing but it was easy once I broke it down (and asked Google for help!)
I have started a Mohair lace scarf for my mum's birthday. It's already looking good (although a little hairy for my liking). Will put a picture up when it's done.
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
Two Wise Men

Last month I finished my first wise man, so after my last few projects I got cracking on the second. The patterns are from Jean Greenhowe's Christmas Special book. There are a few nativity patterns out there but hers is my favourite at the moment.

I have made a start on the third wise man so will take a picture of them all together when he's done. These are for a friend who has asked for a knitted nativity, after these I have the shepherds, sheep and of course the donkey to do.
After the wise men I am trying the front of the snooker jumper again- after messing it up big time (forgot to change needles) so will hopefully get it right.
Monday, 11 March 2013
The Mother's Day Card.
Two Christmases ago my mum bought me the 100 Flowers to Knit and Crochet book. I do try and make people something from each book they have bought me (I like to show that I actually use them). With Mother's day happening yesterday I thought I would knit one of the flowers to make my mum a card.
I am aware that it looks a little like an 8 year old made it, but my mum did appreciate it. I also got her a 'Name your own rose set' as she likes to go out in the garden.
I do like making my own cards so think I may knit some more in the future. I am currently working on my second wise man, hoping to get all three finished this week in plenty of time for my friend's birthday.
Sunday, 3 March 2013
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Scarf
Thursday, 28 February 2013
The Cat Cushion
I realised last weekend that February was quickly coming to an end and it is one of my good friend's birthday on the 1st March. I have promised the fella that I will not buy any more wool until the big pile of oddments in the wool box has gone down so I went looking for a pattern that would be cool for my friend and use up some of my wool.
I have loads of very nice pattern books (thanks to many birthday and Christmas presents from people I know) and decided to knit her a cat cushion from my Pet Heaven book by Sally Muir and Joanne Osborne as she has a couple of cats. This was one of the first pattern books that I got and it has loads of great patterns in it.
The cushion was much bigger than I expected so it is lucky that I had Monday to Wednesday off work and I think I knitted about 6-8 hours for all 3 days to get it done- but I think it's worth it. The back of the cushion should have been just black, but I didn't have any black wool left so made it stripey, I think it looks nice and retro.
I sent it to her today- really hope she likes it! My next task is to finish the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles scarf I have started and then whip up a couple of wise men.

I sent it to her today- really hope she likes it! My next task is to finish the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles scarf I have started and then whip up a couple of wise men.
Saturday, 16 February 2013
One Wise Man.
Last year my friend asked me if I can knit her a Nativity Scene. For Christmas I knitted her Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus. For her birthday in April I decided to knit her the Wise Men, so I can do the rest for Christmas 2013 and she can have the whole scene.
I have a few Nativity knitting patterns but I have been using Jean Greenhowe's Christmas Special Book. I got the book from Ebay like most of my patterns.
I hope you like him!!
Saturday, 9 February 2013
Sexy Beard and Muff
This is my sister modelling the muff I made her last week and the beard I knitted for Christmas. Sexy?
Friday, 8 February 2013

I have also bought a Forever Friends jumper pattern and an amazing Postman Pat knitting book. The Postman Pat is great. Has 4 jumper patterns, hat, scarf and mittens and a couple of soft toys. Lots of Christmas presents for the small people I know will come from this book.
There is a Thomas the Tank Engine pattern book I am desperate for, but waiting to grab it on EBay cheaper. I know some little boys who love Thomas at the moment. Can't wait to post some pictures of the finished products.
Sunday, 3 February 2013
The Muff
I have been thinking about starting a knitting blog for some time, I like knitting and I wanted somewhere to share my masterpieces! Most of my works of art are a bit wonky and I am sure most of my friends and family are getting fed up of receiving my little knitted presents, but I enjoy it so they will have to get used to it.
On Thursday my sister asked me on Facebook if I can knit her a muff?!? Well, after questioning what kind of muff she wanted it seems that she wanted a hand warmer and not a knitted version of some lady parts (If you know my sister you'd realise that she could have been asking for the lady bits- she asked for a knitted beard for Christmas). I had a little look for patterns on the Internet but couldn't find anything of interest so decided it was easy enough to do without a pattern. I chose a dark green chunky wool and a greeny yellow eyelash yarn that I have been trying to use up for months. I used 7mm needles and cast on 26 stitches. I didn't measure how long I made it- just enough to fit hands in. I didn't know if she wanted straps or not so I decided to make them detachable with little buttons. I used a thin waxed yarn with 4 cast on stitches. Once again I didn't measure it, just used my own neck as a gauge.
I'm really chuffed with the results. I need to send it to my sister so I will let you know what she thinks.
My next project is the front of a jumper I have started to make. I have found some amazing retro jumper patterns and want to do them all, if I get cracking they'll make some great Christmas presents.
On Thursday my sister asked me on Facebook if I can knit her a muff?!? Well, after questioning what kind of muff she wanted it seems that she wanted a hand warmer and not a knitted version of some lady parts (If you know my sister you'd realise that she could have been asking for the lady bits- she asked for a knitted beard for Christmas). I had a little look for patterns on the Internet but couldn't find anything of interest so decided it was easy enough to do without a pattern. I chose a dark green chunky wool and a greeny yellow eyelash yarn that I have been trying to use up for months. I used 7mm needles and cast on 26 stitches. I didn't measure how long I made it- just enough to fit hands in. I didn't know if she wanted straps or not so I decided to make them detachable with little buttons. I used a thin waxed yarn with 4 cast on stitches. Once again I didn't measure it, just used my own neck as a gauge.
I'm really chuffed with the results. I need to send it to my sister so I will let you know what she thinks.
My next project is the front of a jumper I have started to make. I have found some amazing retro jumper patterns and want to do them all, if I get cracking they'll make some great Christmas presents.
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