Wednesday, 12 June 2013

The SuperTed Jumper

I am pleased to say that I finished my second Christmas present yesterday! A SuperTed jumper. It was the second jumper I have knitted and I am very pleased with it! The pattern for the back of the jumper was a little confusing so I had to improvise a bit, but luckily it seems to have turned out fine so I am excited to be giving it away.

I have 3 birthdays in July to knit for (would have been four but I have done one present already). I have 2 pairs of socks and a mohawk to knit so will be clicking away!

Saturday, 1 June 2013

The Knitted Care Bear

Funshine Bear was my latest project from the Care Bears knitting pattern book. I made it for a little girl's naming ceremony next weekend. I'll admit I am not too keen on knitting soft toys, making up is hard work but I did quite enjoy this one. I do think it looks a bit like a Care Bear which is a bonus!

I am now working on my Super Ted jumper, I have done the front and hoping to have the back finished by tomorrow night. I have a busy week next week, two evenings out at the Cheltenham (spell check wanted me to change it to  Charlatanism- I like that) Science Festival, 2 running club sessions, diving (not driving- I can do that) lesson and naming ceremony, so away for weekend! Sure I'll squeeze some knitting time in though. I have 4 birthdays in July to knit for, as well as many Christmas present jumpers so the pressure is on.